SV - Shands at Vista
SV stands for Shands at Vista
Here you will find, what does SV stand for in Hospital under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Shands at Vista? Shands at Vista can be abbreviated as SV What does SV stand for? SV stands for Shands at Vista. What does Shands at Vista mean?Shands at Vista is an expansion of SV
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Alternative definitions of SV
- Saginaw Valley
- Saginaw Valley
- El Salvador
- Silicon Valley
- Stroke Volume
- Simian Virus
- Splice Variant
- Sea View
View 159 other definitions of SV on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SCHSAGH Shands Children's Hospital at Shands AGH
- SCHUF Shands Children's Hospital at the University of Florida
- SJMC Shands Jacksonville Medical Center
- SLSH Shands Lake Shore Hospital
- SLOH Shands Live Oak Hospital
- SRH Shands Rehabilitation Hospital
- SSH Shands Starke Hospital
- SMC Share Medical Center
- SICH Sharkey-Issaquena Community Hospital
- SH Sharon Hospital
- SRHS Sharon Regional Health System
- SCSN Sharp Cabrillo Skilled Nursing
- SCVMC Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center
- SCH Sharp Coronado Hospital
- SGH Sharp Grossmont Hospital
- SMBHW Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women
- SMH Sharp Memorial Hospital
- SMVH Sharp Mesa Vista Hospital
- SVPH Sharp Vista Pacifica Hospital
- SMC Shawano Medical Center